「皆様、お待たせいたしました!カナダからMrs. Joan Itoh からメッセージを頂きました。」としたかったのですが、Blood Cancerと闘病されていらした、Mrs.Itohは、カナダ、オンタリオの時間で8月24日朝(日本時間はプラス11時間)天国に召されたそうです。
(↑すみません。葬儀の日を勘違いしておりました。日本時間で8月29日でした。故人の葬儀案内が次のURLをクリックしていただきますと、読み込むことができます。更に、そのページ内のTribute wall へ遷移してもらいますと、Mrs.Itohへのメッセージや過去のお写真を見ることができます。https://www.mccleisterfuneralhome.ca/obituaries/Joan-Elizabeth-Burk?obId=28797963)
Mrs.Joan Itohのご冥福を謹んでお祈り申し上げます。
令和4年9月12日の投稿でMrs Itoh からメッセージを頂ける旨を予告致しまして、返礼としての皆様からもメッセージや思い出話を募集致しましたところ、こちらも頂けました。(後半にご紹介致します。)どうぞご覧ください!
My memory
At our class, Mrs. Itoh asked me this question. “What’s your favorite food ?”
I said, “I like pizzas (piz:za) !”
You said to me, “No. No. No. Pizzas (pi:tsə).”
Then whenever I have a pizza, it always remind me of that scene.
英9回生 Nori Nakada(Maeda)
Say hello to Mrs.Itoh. I’m very glad to hear you are in good health!
英4回生 五十嵐 柳子
Dear Mrs. Ito,I am happy to have a chance to send you a massage.I attended your class almost fifty years ago.It was my first experience to learn English from native English speaker.I always learned something new through your class. Your lessons were exciting and fun.We read “Our Town”, if my memory is not wrong, didn’t we?Thank you for such wonderful time.I hear you live in Canada now.I lived in Calgary for six months in 1978.I visited Banff National Park and saw a lot of wild animals.Canada is a very beautiful country and people are nice and friendly.Please take care of yourself.Sincerely yours.Your student,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Mrs. Itoh,
Pardon me for using your old name “Mrs. Itoh.” It is a familiar name to me.
Almost 50 years have passed since I graduated from Niigata Women’s College. I turned 68 years old this spring, and recently I wondered about the college days I spent in Niigata. I tried to remember each teacher’s face and the book
we were reading.
I recalled your lesson about “ Our Town.” When I was a freshman, I had your lesson. The sophomore had the performance of Our Town at the hall in Niigata city. It was wonderful and you seemed to be very happy to finish the
performance. Unfortunately we didn’t have the performance of the play the following year.
I still remember the message of the play; ordinary days are more precious than any other day.
I got married and have two daughters. I miss the days I spent with my daughters as a mother. And I think that ordinary days with my husband and two daughters were like jewelry.
Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to read a wonderful book. The book’s message has been in the bottom of my heart and will be there for all my life .
Kazuko Shimada ( Kazuko Nakagawa; my maiden name is Nakagawa) 英7回生